On the occasion of the Republic Day of India, Aanya Garg, founder of Project Titlee, spearheaded the installation of a sanitary pad vending machine and launched a menstrual awareness campaign at the KLA Foods factory. With a focus on supporting women, this initiative aims to provide convenient access to menstrual hygiene products and foster an environment of understanding and support. By actively engaging the women staff at the factory, Aanya is not only breaking taboos around menstruation but also promoting an inclusive and supportive workplace culture. This meaningful endeavour showcases the power of grassroots initiatives in creating positive societal change.

About Project Titlee:

Project Titlee, founded by Aanya Garg, is a social initiative dedicated to raising awareness about menstrual hygiene management and providing better access to sanitary products for girls and women. Through various campaigns and initiatives, Project Titlee strives to create a society where menstruation is discussed openly, and every individual can access the resources they need for proper menstrual health.
